Let it go …
I love Aerial Yoga because it is a powerful and transformative art of movement that promotes well-being, self-knowledge and personal growth. It’s a blend of gentle yet challenging practice.
I love it because it involves a total body workout. It combines elements of fitness, yoga, dance and acrobatics using a fabric that hangs from the ceiling. A class can focus on one of these elements or a combination of all of them.
The fact that some asanas are performed while hanging freely and upside down, has a huge positive effect on our body, as the spine decompresses, the back muscles relax better and the joints are relieved. One more important reason to love it.
By practicing it, we feel a close connection between movement and breathing, which allows us to be present. This helps us to connect deeply with our being, to gain a new perspective and more clarity. We learn to consciously control our breathing which in turn can calm our mind, we feel lighter from worries and stress. Did I already say that I love this…?
We may come across asanas that at first glance seem very demanding and impossible. In fact, sometimes it is not easy to try something new for fear of not succeeding. When we do not manage to perform certain asanas the first time or to master them completely, such as inversions or asanas that require a lot of strength or balance, we should be patient and kind with ourselves. It is not about reaching perfection.
Asanas help us to be in the moment and connect our body, mind and soul. It is best to focus completely on ourselves and find the balance between tension and relaxation while holding an aerial yoga asana. It will relax us as we begin to reap its powerful benefits. What is really important is to try to focus on how it makes our body feel.
I love the feeling of freedom, so much joy and happiness, a kind of release of our inner child. Using the hammock to wrap ourselves in it, doing a backward twist in the air, falling forward, doing inversions, forward bends, backward bends, swings, twists…
The whole body moves in different directions, stretches and strengthens. Focusing on fun can allow us to improve and gain mental, emotional and physical benefits.
It’s so cool and amazing the new way to experience the resting asana „Shavasana“ in Aerial Yoga, lying comfortably in a hammock and rocking back and forth, while feeling the effects of our practice. Concentrating on our breath, mentally scanning our body, feeling any areas where there is still tension and trying to let it go…
Do Aerial Yoga and feel stronger
If you’ve never done Aerial Yoga, you should simply give it a try, or 2, or maybe 3. It will enrich your experience. Move your limits, it takes time, discipline, dedication, training and energy…Whatever stage you are at, it is absolutely fine…It’s the process that matters. You will love it!
When we can disconnect long enough to live in the moment and enjoy ourselves, we are ready to feel stronger.
Contact me today!